Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gushing Fan Girl Moment!

I've discovered the covers of Brent Week's new books and I'm having a Gushing Fan Girl moment. They combine both Character and Style!

This is how the three books work together.

If my publisher produced covers like these for my new series, I'd consider myself seriously lucky!

The artists are Calvin Chu and Peter Cotton. The original art was done by Calvin Chu and Peter Cotton did the design. I've googled them and can't find a dedicated web page.


Dion Hamill said...

Hi Rowena! I think Calvin and Peter used a photographer on these covers, which is pretty amazing since the costumes look fantastic, so much detail. He and Peter do alot of work over at Orbit Books I think if you got in touch with the Art Director over there they might get you in contact with them. All the best for your upcoming series!

Rowena Cory Daniells said...

Hi Dion,

I'm going to recommend these artists to my publisher.